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Until then, keep writing, keep learning and always make time to play with your favourite toys. Not only is my birthday in 4 days' time but horizontal band saw machine Solstice is also in 4 days' time. I'm going to have dinner with friends and then we're going to watch the first and second movies of Underworld, in preparation of seeing the third in January when it comes out. I've also been cleaning my house (a little), preparing for Solstice, buying gifts for both Solstice and X mas (I buy the gifts for what people celebrate, whether I follow the religion or not) and reading quite a bit more than I've been able to lately. I have even managed to get in some writing work, though not too much since work was killing my hand this week. I did manage to finish my critiques for tomorrow… the last critique of the year. Speaking of  the last of anything of the year, I must admit that I always approach this time of year with just a hint of sadness. It is a case of out with the old and in with the new, but I feel like I've wasted chances and opportunities this year. profile bending machine bluest

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